Alien vs. Predator: Requiem

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 Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

* WARNING - this review contains SPOILERS!

The word Requiem is defined as;

”a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person”

“a musical setting for a Mass Celebrating the dead”

“a Mass celebrated for the dead”

So you might be wondering, why does that word come into the title of the new Alien vs. Predator film and what does it mean? Well it is an idea that is hinted at through out the film, but not fully explored or developed. Just like many other elements of this sequel, which I?m must say is a bit of a disappointment.

It takes off right at the end of the first film, where an alien bursts out of the dead chest of the Predator and we see something that is a cross of both creatures. In fact, it is called a Predalien. Pretty original huh? Why didn?t they call it an Alienator?

Anyways, the ship is overrun by this new species and it crash lands on earth, in the tranquil woods of a picturesque Colorado town. A hunter and his son are the first victims, and then the aliens spread.

Meanwhile, on the Predators home planet, a Predator sitting in a chair sees all this on a TV screen and gets very mad. He grabs his gear and flies off to earth to clean up the mess.

We are then introduced to several different characters who will figure in the film. They are quite a mix. There are two brothers with criminal back grounds, a Sherriff who is just trying to do the right thing, a woman who?s returned from service with the Army, and some typical airhead teens.

The Predator arrives and see?s the left over?s of the crashed Predator ship and he looks sad. He then begins to cover up all traces of the Aliens being on Earth by pouring some blue stuff over the remains which disintegrates everything it touches. I guess this is where the meaning of ?Requiem? comes into it. He?s a different kind of Predator than the ones seen in the original films, and the first film of this franchise. He?s actually quite small and skinny, like he?s a teen aged Predator.

Anyways, the town is soon over run by the Aliens, and the lonely Predator is taking them out one by one. But the Predalien, which looks like a fat alien with dreadlocks, has a different agenda. He?s going around trying to increase the number of Aliens and in one particular scene at a hospital, we witness a rather grotesque and cruel treatment of a pregnant woman.

I won?t go into any more details about the plot, but I will say that I think this film could have been better. The trailers looked great and effective and promised a sequel that might have been an improvement over the original with lots more creatures and more human stories and characters. However, for all the characters we meet and get to know a little bit about, they are never fully developed, and some are killed off that you wouldn?t expect would be.

The film ends in an interesting way. It suggests that a third AVP film could come our way and that some human characters in high up places, may know more about the existence of the Aliens and Predators than we the audience are led to believe.

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