28 Weeks Later

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28 Weeks Later

Whoa! What an incredible film. A great sequel and a astounding achievement in it's own right. The night I went and saw this film, I was actually intending to see Pirates 3 but that session was completely sold out. So my friends and I settled for this. None of us had seen the first film in the franchise, “28 Days Later”, but I had been told that you didn't have to, and I reaffirmed that for all my friends.
We went in and were all captivated by the opening scene, set in that warm, little country cottage where everything goes to hell. It really set the tone and pace for the film. What followed after the opening scene was arguably the best zombie film I have seen since “Dawn of the Dead”. The real themes here were panic and reaction, displayed by the characters in their response to what was going on around them.
There were some very disturbing and intense scenes in this film, including the interaction between the husband and wife, where one of them became an “Infected”. Then towards the end of the picture, when the female doctor is guiding the kids through the darkened subway, using the night vision scope on her rifle to guide the way. That moment really captured the fear inherited with darkness, claustrophobia and the unknown.
So I didn't get to see Pirates 3 that night, but instead saw a film I wasn't attending to see and had one hec of an experience. For the whole running time, I forgot I was watching a film; instead feeling like I was right there in the thick of it, and I went home with an upset feeling that if something like that virus being unleased on earth really happened one day, it would be just like the evens of “28 Weeks Later”.
Bloody scary stuff!!!

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