Chasing Amy

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 Chasing Amy

When this film came out, I heard my older sisters and their boyfriends raving about it, but I clearly said, at the age of 14, "I don't watch romantic comedies. I'll never watch that crap"

Well, after I saw “Clerks’ for the first time a few months later, then “Mallrats” shortly after, I fell in love with the movies of Kevin Smith. I wanted to see more and the only other one he had made was a flick called Chasing Amy. “Hang on” I thought “isn’t that romantic comedy with that guy from “Good Will Hunting” in it?” My perception of it changed a little and since I had enjoyed the other two KS movies so much, I thought I would give it a chance.

I watched it for the first time and was very engrossed in it. It wasn't a laugh-out-loud comedy like the other two films, but more real, with lots of conversations on sex, relationships and everything in between. At the age of 14 this was all pretty educational for me and despite my original stance, I found that I really enjoyed the film.

As “Dogma” and” Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” came out, I enjoyed them immensely and I started to see how this little gem of a film about a guy who falls in love with a lesbian was really in a league all of its own.

Around this same time I was starting to read film reviews more and more to get more than one opinion on a film before I watched it, and for a little research I looked up what the critics thought of Chasing Amy. Most of them loved it, and praised its honesty and real approach to its subject matter. It kind of gave me hope of what life in your mid twenties would be like because when I was 15 and in high school I was in such a hurry to grow up like all the other teens, but I was also developing my beliefs about what a relationship between a guy and a girl should be like.

That's why I fell in love with this movie, gradually over time, because I came to understand it more and more and really identified with the main character. He never took the easy way out of a situation and taught me that love is love, and even if you like someone with a shady past, you can change the way you look at them and they can be the person who you've been waiting for.

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