Final Destination 3

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 Final Destination 3

Gees Louise, those bloody Final Destination movies. Is anything safe? Now that a roller coaster has been used in the opening scene of the latest installment, I'm officially afraid to fly, drive on the freeway or go to a theme park - my recent 3 favourite things. And then the way they killed off the characters in this one. You've got to hand it to the film makers, they do inject some energy and effort into these flicks and the reason is they will always be popular with audiences.

I guess the attraction is that it reminds that sooner or later, we all face death. Most, if not all of us, block out that fact as we go about our lives. But what this movie and it's two predecessors allow us to do from a safe distance is watch the many macabre, mysterious and entertaining ways in which people can die. Anything can kill you basically, which leaves you feeling a little anxious, or even paranoid, after you walk out of the theatre.

As a film, I didn't mind this one. The first one is still my favourite, and I found the second lacked the spark of the first but made up for that in the way it chose to complicate the plot a little bit, by linking the characters of the first film to the second. But in this one, it's all new characters with no evident connection to the characters of the firs two films. But that's okay, because it's the third film of the trilogy, which followed several of the rules that the third film must follow (as so brilliantly explained in Scream 3).

Am I over the FD films? Well yes and no. Do I see another installment being made? Probably not. They've pushed it far enough and it has given the audiences who have watched it a new perspective on accidental death so those of us can now imagine our own scenarios, thus moving through life with the memory of these three films firmly in our minds. I'll recommend them to the next generation of movie goers that come along, because even though some of us deny it, we are all intrigued by death. At this time in cinema, there is probably no better series of movies to spark our imaginations about the topic.

Be safe out there!

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